There are many ways of promoting and protecting human rights.
One of these is punishing criminals that commit atrocities
and human rights violations during wartime. It is important
that crimes are punished so that victims feel their suffering
is being taken seriously. Besides this, punishment also has
what we call a "deterrent aspect". When people know
they can be punished, they will hopefully think twice and
choose not to commit crimes.
States that have been through wars and conflicts are not
always in a position to conduct fair and effective trials
and judge people suspected of war crimes and other atrocities.
Sometimes these people still hold positions of great power
in the society, or they may have fled abroad. In both of these
cases it can be difficult to arrest and punish them. Some
states do not have the skills and resources necessary to conduct
The Nuremburg Court and international ad hoc courts
Since human rights violations in a country are also an international
responsibility, many people have believed that international
tribunals ought to be set up and given the job of investigating
and punishing the most serious atrocities in cases where states
do not do this themselves.
After World War II, the USA, France, Great Britain and the
then Soviet Union established an international tribunal, the
Nuremberg Court, to judge and punish people who had committed
particularly serious crimes in Nazi Germany. They did this
because crimes against international law are committed by
"men, not by abstract entities, and only by punishing
individuals who commit such crimes can the provisions of international
law be enforced". Nineteen senior political and military
leaders were sentenced. The Nuremberg process became very
significant because it established the legal principle of
punishing war criminals which the UN later used as the basis
for its work.
From and including the 1990s there has been an important
development in international criminal law. Due to the conflicts
in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s, the UN set up an international
criminal tribunal in 1993 to investigate and judge war crimes,
genocide and crimes against humanity in this region. In 1994,
a similar tribunal was set up to investigate and judge those
responsible for the genocide in Rwanda where as many as one
million people were killed. The establishment of these ad
hoc tribunals which are established in connection with a particular
conflict and which are dissolved when they have completed
their work was a big step forward. Similar tribunals have
been set up for Sierra Leone, Cambodia, Eastern Timor and
The Permanent International Criminal Court
In 1998, the states agreed to establish a permanent international
criminal court. This was very important step. If national
authorities are unwilling or unable to try war criminals after
wars or conflicts, the International Criminal Court can ensure
that this is done. An increasing number of the world's countries
are recognising the new court. It is located in The Hague
in the Netherlands and started its work on 1st July 2002.