Did you know that in the 1900s state authorities
were responsible for the deaths of more than 169 million people?
The history of man shows that people in power and state authorities
have committed injustices and been responsible for the mass
murder of their citizens. The book "Death by Government"
looks at the most serious crimes of mass murder committed
by states during the 1900s (up until 1987). It looks at Germany
under Nazism, the Soviet Union under Communism, China under
Communism, Cambodia during the rule of the Khmer Rouge, and
all other regimes that have committed injustices of a magnitude
that can be described as genocide and mass murder. The book
shows that as many as 169 million people have been murdered
by state authorities. The study concludes that the greater
the power a state has, the greater the chance is that it will
act arbitrarily and follow the whims of the political elite.
The greater the power, the more warlike and the greater the
number killed. The study also shows that the more the power
of the state is limited, divided and decentralised, controlled
and balanced, the less aggressive it will be. This is why
democracies commit fewer acts of genocide and state mass murders
than other regimes. The best thing one can do to prevent future
acts of state mass murder is therefore to encourage and facilitate
democracy and human rights.
Human rights are the rules that are intended to limit the
state's arbitrary power by defining the obligations it has
with respect to its citizens. Human rights are therefore primarily
rules with which states must comply. It is the state authorities
that are responsible for implementing human rights.
But other actors are also important. While they play various
roles and have different types of power, they all influence
society and can promote human rights.
Inter-governmental organisations
Independent human rights organisations
The press and media
It is also important to be aware of the fact that as individuals
we can also make a contribution. If you are young you have
opportunities everyday to discuss discrimination, bullying
or other problems with your family, at school or among friends.
"Think globally, act locally!" is a slogan that
can also be applied to human rights with good effect.